Weiner Apartment
The interior is not open to the public.

Another unique interior can be found in the equally interesting home designed by architect Bohumil Chvojka at Republic Square 22. Because of their style, the interiors of Samuel Teichner’s dental office on the second floor and the Weiner couple’s apartment one floor higher were once accredited to Adolf Loos. Today, experts believe Loos’ collaborators Norbert Krieger and Heinrich Kulka are likely responsible. The apartment bears several elements typical of Loos’s work, including the adjoined lounge and dining room, the axial symmetry, and the precisely filled built-in wardrobes. The original paint (no longer preserved today) was similar to Loos’ other later projects, with various tones of blue, yellow, and red.
Unfortunately, due to their Jewish heritage, the family’s fate was unpleasant. Pavel and Lili Weiner, Pavel’s parents Karl and Růžena, and Dr Samuel Teichner were murdered in concentration camps. After 1945, the home was returned to Karl Weiner’s sister, however, it was put under state control in the early 60s.
Although only a few fragments remain of the original dental office, the couple’s apartment was rather well preserved. Currently, the home is the property of a private owner, who actually lives in this space, meaning it’s inaccessible to the public.