Adolf Loos in Pilsen

Guided tour 3 The Semler Residence

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The Semler Residence

Meeting place with guide:
Klatovská třída 721/110, at the reception desk.

Tour duration:
75 minutes or 110 minutes for the extended tour

Max. capacity for pre-arranged groups:
12 people

Full admission:
370 CZK/420 CZK for extended tour

Discounted admission:
260 CZK/290 CZK for extended tour
(children and students aged 6-26, senior citizens over 65 let, ZTP/P)

Tour timetable:
Friday, Saturday, Sunday at pre-arranged times

Friday, Saturday at pre-arranged times

Undoubtedly the most expansive tour awaits you inside the interior created for Oskar and Jana Semler at Klatovská 110, which was designed by Loos’ disciple and co-creator, the architect Heinrich Kulka. When taking the basic route, you’ll walk through the spatially most interesting part of the historic apartment, which boasts Loos’ principle known as “Raumplan”. There are 15 rooms for you to see here, including the walk-in wardrobe, the entrance hall, the impressive lounge and its floor of rare Makassar ebony, the summer and winter dining room, as well as the Semler family’s private rooms with two bedrooms for Oscar and Jana and two boy’s rooms. The tour also features the staff stairwell, the guest room, and the kitchen. The extended tour then includes a screening of documents and a tour of the exposition “The Cabinet of Pilsen Architecture from 1874-1939”. You can then top off your tour experience with a visit to the Sem Café, which is accessible directly from the visitor centre.

The guided tours are in Czech but visitors can request the tour text in German or English.

The routes do not offer barrier-free access, meaning the tours are not suitable for individuals with limited mobility. Also, due to the high number of stairs, some visitors may find the tour physically challenging.

Due to the professional nature of the commentary, the tours are not suitable for children 10 or younger.

Due to the tour’s popularity, we recommend purchasing tickets in advance.

Photography is not permitted within the residence.

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