Guided tour 1 Vogl and Kraus Apartments

Meeting place with guide:
Klatovská třída 348/10
Tour duration:
75 minutes
Max. capacity for pre-arranged groups:
20 people per group (two groups can take a tour at once)
Full Admission:
240 CZK
Discounted Admission:
160 CZK (children and students aged 6-26, senior citizens over 65 let, ZTP/P)
Tour timetable:
Friday, Saturday, Sunday at pre-arranged times
Friday and Saturday at pre-arranged times
The tour starts with a visit to the remaining Vogl apartment. While en route to the interior, your guide will take you through a labyrinth of corridors of the Public Asset Management of the City of Pilsen building, in which the homes numbered 10 and 12 on Klatovská Street were already connected during WWII. In stark contrast, you will next be led into the surviving rooms designed by Adolf Loos: the living room and dining room. During the tour, you’ll get to sit in exact replicas of the original furniture and hear the stories of the select Pilsen families for whom Adolf Loos designed a series of deluxe interiors on and around Klatovská Street. You’ll then take a short 8-minute walk to Bendova Street to the Kraus apartment. Here you’ll have the opportunity to compare the different methods of renovating a historical interior, which boasts a magical space with the lounge and dining room in the never-ending reflections of two opposite mirror walls. You’ll also visit the former washroom, Mr Kraus’ study, the comfortably furnished bedroom with built-in furniture, and last but not least, the housekeeper’s room. The part of the apartment that sadly wasn’t preserved in its original appearance is used today to hold lectures and cultural events, to which you’re also cordially invited.